Friday, January 09, 2004

Since I'm planning on going to Morocco, I needed to get a boost on some of my vaccinations. I went in to UW health services this morning expecting only a prescription for the oral Typhoid vaccination and Cipro (in case I get sick with something random), but it turned out I also needed protection from hepatitis B and Diptheria Tetnus. So I get the prescription then go to the dispensary to get the additional shots. I'm seated on a stool, shirt half off because it doesn't roll up far enough, waiting for the nurse to give me the injection. I normally don't do well with needles, but I figure this time I have it under control. She gives me the shot, and I think, "Everything's fine." She asks me how I'm doing, I say "Fine." I then think to myself, "Maybe I've finally gotten over my thing with needles ..." The last thing I said before hitting the floor was something like "Uh oh." I woke up on the floor, lying half in the dispensary room with my head and shoulders out in the hall with about four people around me. Apparantly the nurse caught me before I cracked my head open on the floor.

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