Sunday, April 23, 2006

In the morning, I walked to the downtown British Airways office as indicated on the LP map. It didn't exist. A guy from a nearby business gave me the new address way out by the airport. I scrounged around in my bag for change for the cab fare out there because I didn't want to change any more money if I would be leaving the next day.

BA was a no-go. The reps would not touch my ticket because it was just too damn cheap. No changes were possible at any price. For the rest of the day I entertained some wild schemes like buying a new one way ticket to London, spending the next week there, checking-in to the TUN-LGW flight remotely on the BA website so the onward segments of my flight wouldn't get cancelled, then catching only the return leg across the Atlantic. Several people in combination talked me out of this -- still not sure if it could work. I was so close to doing it, but the website makes you pay for your Internet ticket purchase over the phone and the office had closed by the time I called.

OK so I was pretty bummed about the situation and spend a whole day moping around Tunis centre-ville. I felt like I had seen the whole country and wanted to do something new. That night I met a Canadian at the hostel who had just arrived by taxi from Algeria. He told me about the country he visited towards the Algerian border -- green and hilly instead of flat and desert-like. The next day I got on the train to Taberka hoping for something different.

Tunis medina pedestrian traffic tip: don't take Rue de la Kasbah to and from l'Auberge de Jeunesse at rush hour. Instead try Rue Zarkoun which runs parallel but a little to the north. Despite being less direct, it's way faster because it isn't clogged with people!

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