Is 1-866-LITTER1 Toothless?

These are the facts, and they are undisputed.
When I got home, I called 1-866-LITTER1 and reported the details of the incident. After hanging up and cooling off, I visited the Washington State Department of Ecology "Litter and It Will Hurt" campaign website to learn more about the program.
I was angered to read the following:
Q: Will the litterer be sent a ticket based on a litter hotline report? A: No, tickets cannot be issued based on hearsay.Also:
... Those people that complain about receiving the hotline letter and say that the report is inaccurate are sent a letter of apology and assured that the incident does not affect their driving record.
Where exactly is the "hurt" part of this anti-litter program? Is it at most the possible paper cut from opening their strongly worded letter from the department of ecology?
Where is the $1025 fine promised by this ad campaign?
I demand justice!
The occupants of the littering car appeared to be punk-ass teenagers. My only consolation is the hope that the warning letter will be addressed to one of the parents, who, unlike the state department of ecology, will have the authority to bring about the appropriate amount of Rabbit-avenging "hurt".
Similar local "snitch" programs that you should support:
Maybe you should start a hotline promising vigilante justice.
Snitch alright...we have enough law enforcers and people like you truly want to get someone in trouble. Lack of courtesy upsets me as well, still I wouldn't call the police on my worse enemy.
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