Wednesday, April 13, 2005

I was about to write a post about the adventure of putting more RAM in my Mac Mini, but a cursory web-search reveals that's so been done.

If you're willing to be a bit brutal, you can use a pocket-knife to crack the perfect, smooth, screwless case instead of the service-manual's suggested "modified putty-knife (Apple part #922-6761)".

According to the web-rumour mill, opening your Mini does not void the warranty ("unless you break something")

A 1GB DIMM on the after-market is half the price that Apple wants you to pay to have it pre-installed. For sale: One 256MB DDR 400Mhz DIMM ...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

And if you want a 2nd 256MB I have mine too... coming from a MacMini