This is Jager. I'm taking care of him for a week while his parents are on vacation. The first thing people want to know is what kind of dog he is. I forgot to ask before they left, so I don't know, but a co-worker offered that he looks about half German shepherd and half chiwawa. Taking care of this dog full time is probably my biggest life responsibility so far.

Jager craves love and attention, and now seems to even more so since his parents are away. For example, his preferred place to sit in the car is on my lap, between me and the steering wheel. I decided this wasn't safe on account of the airbags. Similarly, at work, he would rather sit on my lap between me and the computer, than in his more comfortable kennel. If you sit down on the couch, Jager will jump right to you and sit closer than you probably thought possible. If you lie down in bed, Jager will lift up the blanket with his head and crawl under it in order to cuddle with you.

Despite Jager's affectionate nature, his favorite game appears to be wrestling and biting. He likes to initiate this game first thing in the morning, just seconds after my alarm goes off. You know he wants to play when he pokes your hand with this snout and gives you a gentle bite. Jager is harmless, but I find the safest way to play bite-wrestle with him is while wearing hand protection (winter gloves). Unfortunately, these kinds of displays do not encourage confidence in those who are uncomfortable around dogs to begin with, like our house-mate Koushi. Furthermore, Jager also has the habit of growling at those who would come around him before he can even recognize who they are. It is hard to convince someone how friendly Jager is when he is growling and trying to leap out of your arms at the new acquaintance.